Project Management

Project, Program, Portfolio Management

We help you achieve your organizational objectives by managing your projects, programs and portfolios, and deliver the results you need to reach your big picture goals.

Whether it is developing a software application, opening an office, defining an enterprise strategy, developing a new product line, or moving your business to the next level, we apply a project management approach for each situation to ensure the success of the project.

We see project management as a key component to the success of any organization.

Our successful large-scale deliverables include:

We use a project-oriented approach in meeting all the needs of a client

Quite often even small challenges and daily 'routines' are costly to an organization. By applying project-oriented thinking in daily work, we can easily resolve issues and build on opportunities. This is not usually a lengthy process, but relies on the effectiveness of focusing on the appropriate approach.

Business Analysis (BA)  is a valuable tool for daily use. BA tools and techniques are always used in a project to identify requirements and perform stakeholders analysis. Sometimes a business analysis endeavour is a project on its own, managed accordingly. For example, an Enterprise Analysis may be performed to identify business needs and define solutions for the scope and approach. The output of Enterprise Analysis may in turn result in other projects in order to implement identified solutions.